There is always a why behind everything we do. In all areas of my life I want to make a difference. I started this blog because I love the sport of running and FITness. I am using this blog as a platform to discuss my FITness journey, as well as the life lessons I have learned on this road to good health. I didn’t always love running. As a teenager and in my early adult years, I struggled with making healthy choices and was extremely obese. As I approached the age of 30, I decided that I wanted to live a healthy life and started on my weight loss journey. During this journey I have lost over 200 pounds. Yes, losing 200 pounds was hard work and it took a lot of dedication and commitment. I lost the weight by watching what I ate, but My true ROAD TO HAPPINESS is how I became FIT. I used running to become FIT. However, this blog is not about me...Its about YOU. The readers of this blog whose lives I can add value to.
This blog was created for:
* Women who want to lose weight and become FIT. This blog will discuss how to deal with the success of weight loss as well as how to cope with the mental challenges.
* Those who want to start a RUNning FITness Program or those looking to take their running to new heights. Your fitness goals are important and I want to help you achieve them.
Not every one wants to read the science behind it all. So this blog will provide you with straight-to-the-point information and discuss topics that are useful in your health journey.
My overall mission is to use my journey and this platform to INSPIRE, MOTIVATE and ENLIGHTEN a community of people who want to make a healthy change in their lives.
I will take each and every day ONE day at a time and repeat my mission tomorrow when tomorrow comes.
TODAY, if my journey INSPIRES just ONE person, then the road I traveled was not in vain.
TODAY, if this blog MOTIVATES just ONE person, then this blog was not created in vain.
TODAY, if the content of this blog ENLIGHTENS just ONE person, then the content was not written in vain.
Words From The Heart,
She Ran Herself Fit